The following list gives just some of the organisations that offer help and support:
Cruse Bereavement Care is a charity that provides care to anyone who has been affected by a death. They also run a youth involvement project to support young people (aged 12-18) after the death of someone close to them.
The Samaritans provide 24 hour confidential emotional support for anyone in a crisis.
Support Line provides confidential emotional support to children, young people and adults on any issue. They refer callers to sources of help in their immediate area.
Child Death Helpline is a helpline based at Great Ormond Street Hospital that offers help and support to anyone affected by the death of a child. It is run by parent volunteers who are supported by a professional team.
Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement.
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS) is an organisation that provides support for parents whose baby has died at or soon after birth.
Institute of Cemetery & Crematorium Management provides guidelines about standards of service to expect from professionals.
Rossendale Hospice offers bereavement counselling services to anyone in the Rossendale area from school age upwards.
Sue Ryder Online Bereavement Support makes it easy to connect with the right support from your own home. Whether you’re looking for one-to-one professional support, to talk to others in similar situations, or to read expert information resources, you can access support for free on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Bereavement Support Directory this directory is designed to help you easily find bereavement support in the UK
Bereavement Counselling is a service that can put you in touch with a qualifed counsellors in the UK