Food premises registration
You must tell us about the premises you will run your business from and any vehicles you will use to support this business. This information must reach us 28 days before your business starts operating. Registration is free and is required by law.
Any premises your business uses to store, prepare, sell or distribute food in Rossendale must be registered with us. Food business premises include takeaways, restaurants, hotels, shops, warehouses, cafes, market stalls, mobile food vans, and home catering services.
If you have several food businesses on one site (a row of shops, for instance), they cannot be classed together as being on one premises. In this situation you must register each of your food business premises separately. If you rent a space within the premises of food business to operate your own food business (a cafe within a supermarket, for instance), the space you have rented must be registered separately.
If you use vehicles for a food business that operates from a permanent premises (such as a restaurant, cafe or shop) you only need to tell us how many vehicles your business uses.
If you use vehicles for a food business that operates from a temporary premises (such as a market stall) you need to tell us how many vehicles you are using and where those vehicles are stored when they are not in use.
Reporting changes to your food business
If the nature of your business changes, or if you change the storage location of your movable premises (such as a market stall or mobile food van), you will need to notify us. If you transfer ownership of your business to someone else, that person will need to contact us.
Please register a food business here Register a Food Business
Please make yourself familiar with the information on the Food Standards Agency website on Safer Food Better Business in advance of an inspection by a member of the Environmental Health Team
The contact number for the Food Standards Agency, if needed, is 0330 332 7149 or Environmnetal Health 01706 217777 or