Food hygiene scores, rescores and appeals

If you're eating out or getting food delivered then find out in advance if a restaurant, takeaway or food shop you want to visit or purchase from has good food hygiene standards. Please search on the Food Standards Agency Website.

Food hygiene ratings are public and can be viewed online here Search food hygiene rating scores

All food businesses in Rossendale are visited by officers from Environmental Health to review and rate their hygiene standards. After each inspection the food business will receive one of the following ratings:

  • 5 (very good)
  • 4 (good)
  • 3 (generally satisfactory)
  • 2 (improvement necessary)
  • 1 (major improvement necessary)
  • 0 (urgent improvement necessary)

 Please note the hygiene rating given to a food outlet does not reflect the quality of food or the standard of customer service.

We advise people to minimise the amount of ultra-processed food purchased and consumed due to its low nutritional value, high calorie content and the addition of additives and preservatives which aren't good for heath.

Challeging your rating

As a food business operator if you believe your food hygiene rating is unfair, you can:

  • appeal your rating
  • use your ‘right to reply’ to have your own response to the rating appear alongside it
  • request a revisit. The charge to request a revisit is £175.00. Please make payment over the phone by ringing 01706 217777 

Further details for food businesses on how to challenge a food hygiene rating can be found here Information note for food businesses in England

Alternatively you can complete the relevant form/s below and return them to Environmental Health at the address below

Food hygiene rating scheme appeal form

Food hygiene rating scheme right to reply form

Food hygiene rating scheme request a re-visit form









Environmental Health