Infrastructure Funding Statement

The Government introduced the requirement to produce an Infrastructure Funding Statement through the 2019 Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations (2019/1103).

The Infrastructure Funding Statement is an annual report typically published in December, which provides a summary of all financial and non-financial developer contributions relating to Section 106 Legal Agreements within the Borough of Rossendale for a given financial year. 

Rossendale has not adopted a Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule. Obligations relating to the provision of education is a matter for Lancashire County Council, and Section 278 agreements are a matter for the Highway Authority (also Lancashire County Council).

View the Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022 to 2023

View previous versions of the Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement

Scout Moor Habitat Enhancement Fund

This Fund was set up to provide environmental improvement works within the Pennine uplands of East/South Lancashire and Greater Manchester. In particular, the Fund focusses on the restoration of blanket bogs, upland areas and/or the delivery of favourable conditions for upland breeding birds. Small (up to £5,000) and medium grants (over £5,000) are available to landowners and organisations. For further information on how to apply, including whether your land is situated within the area covered by the scheme, please visit: or email