Listed Buildings & Scheduled Monuments

Buildings of special architectural or historic interest are listed by the Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, following advice from Historic England (HE). The designation protects a vast range of building types from all ages including an increasing number of 20th century structures.

Rossendale has over 270 list entries, some of which cover more than one building. The National Heritage List for England contains the details of each listed building.

Anyone can nominate a building for listing and details can be found on the Historic England page.

Historic England uses a range of criteria when deciding whether to recommend the addition of a nominated structure to the national list:

- Architectural interest; significance as examples of building types and   styles.

- Historic interest; buildings which illustrate aspects of the nation's social, economic, cultural or military history.

- Close historical association with nationally important buildings or events.

 -Group value; buildings which form part of an architecturally significant group type such as a terrace or square.

Three grades of listing have been drawn up, reflecting the variety of the country's historic building stock and the different levels of protection required:

  Grade I       Buildings of exceptional interest.

  Grade II *    Particularly important buildings of more than special interest.

  Grade II      Nationally important and of special interest.

The overwhelming majority (nationally, 92%) of the listed building stock in Rossendale is Grade II. Further information can be obtained from the Historic England website.

We hold a record of buildings which are not designated but are considered to be of local significance and importance for architectural, historical and local merit.

Listed Building Consent

Listed building consent is required by law under the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The application form and guidance notes for making an application can be found on the Planning Portal. Any application will also need to be supported by a heritage statement explaining and justifying the proposed work. Details on what to include in a heritage statement can be found in the council's 'Validation of Planning and Other Application' information.

Listed building consent is necessary for any works that are likely to affect the special architectural or historic interest of the building. The listing (designation) covers all parts of the structure, both internal and external, including some buildings and structures within the curtilage. Examples of work that is likely to require Listed Building Consent include:

- Building alterations and extensions

- Demolition works, including boundary walls

- Alteration to or replacement of windows or doors

- Removal of internal walls and chimney breasts

- Painting render, brick or stonework

- Altering fireplaces

Listed building consent is not normally required for repairs undertaken on a 'like for like' basis, but where they involve alterations that would affect the character of the listed building, consent is required.

If you have any doubt about whether consent will be required, you are strongly advised to contact us. Our Conservation Officer can advise on the need for permission and can also provide guidance on the nature of works that may be necessary (for instance the acceptable specification for window replacements).

Carrying out unauthorised works to a listed building is a criminal offence and owners and those carrying out the work can be prosecuted. In addition, we can require unauthorised works to be reversed.

Scheduled monuments

Rossendale has one Scheduled Ancient Monument (Helmshore Textile Mill). Rawtenstall and Bacup have also been identified as significant Lancashire historic towns.

Scheduled Monument Consent

A list of nationally important archaeological sites has been compiled since 1882. The current schedule of monuments is compiled by the Secretary of State under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, in consultation with Historic England. In Rossendale, only Helmshore Textile Museum and Grane Mill, Haslingden are covered by this form of designation.

Applications for Scheduled Monument Consent must be made to the Secretary of State rather than the Local Authority and can be made using a form downloadable from the Historic England website

Note that proposed works may also need planning permission. 

