Health and safety information and advice

We are committed to working together with local businesses to achieve high health and safety standards and prevent problems. We are always willing to give advice on legislation, or practical problems. If you are considering setting up a business or would like advice on health and safety at work, please contact us.

Other information and advice available

You may also wish to contact the Health and Safety Executive .

We are a free and confidential health and safety service and can offer free, workplace visits, practical information and advice to help employers, employees and voluntary organisations with less than 250 staff, create a healthier and motivated workforce.

We can offer advice covering a variety of issues around health safety and wellbeing including:

  • minimising risks - information and advice on controlling risk and safety procedures that can help to eliminate or control risks to staff and the public.
  • work equipment and safe working methods - information and advice on safe use of common items of work equipment and safe working methods for everyday activities.
  • managing work-related ill-health and injuries - information on work-related ill health and management practices that support staff through injuries and ill health at work.
  • Promoting health at work- information on promoting health in the workplace as healthy motivated staff can reduce sickness absences, improve productivity and help create a safer working environment.

The NHS Healthy Workplace contains useful information on managing health related work issues.

The Health and Safety Executive, (HSE) produce publications on many areas of Health and Safety, quite a lot of which are free go to: HSE books for information about health and safety ring HSE Info-line Tel: 08701 545500 also visit HSE website:


Advice for new businesses

All new businesses must be aware of the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA) 1974 and the regulations made under the act.

The legislation exists to protect workers and members of the public from hazards that are present in the workplace. Compliance with the legislation means that generally the risk of harm to any person is reduced to as low as is reasonably practicable.

Your health and safety responsibilities

If you are working alone, your duty is to ensure you do not expose customers or members of the public to hazards you may be creating.

If you are an employer, you should have a health and safety policy and you must undertake a risk assessment. Both must be available to your employees so that they are aware of any rules or procedures they must abide by. If you have more than 5 employees, the policy and risk assessment must be written down.

It is good practice whether or not the policies are written, to keep a record of all staff to whom you have communicated the health and safety message.

The HSE website has some useful tools to ensure that you are doing what is necessary to comply with Health and Safety legislation. Download leaflets, posters and guidance directly from their website.