Rossendale Local Plan 2019 to 2036

This webpage provides information on the adopted Rossendale Local Plan 2019 to 2036 which was adopted by the Council on 15 December 2021 and has replaced the Core Strategy: The Way Forward (2011 - 2026).

The adopted Local Plan designates land and buildings for future uses to meet the Borough's needs and set out what developments should look like and how they should fit in with their surroundings.

Rossendale Local Plan 2019 to 2036 - Written Statement

Rossendale Local Plan 2019 to 2036 - Policies Map

Rossendale Local Plan 2019 to 2036 - Adoption Statement

Rossendale Local Plan 2019 to 2036 - Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment

Rossendale Local Plan 2019 to 2036 - Inspectors' Report

Rossendale Local Plan 2019 to 2036 - Inspectors' Report Further Letter

Rossendale Local Plan 2019 to 2036 - Appendix to Inspectors' Report - Schedule of Main Modifications


Latest News

November 2021: The Inspectors concluded the Examination in November 2021 and issued a report with their findings which may be viewed here.

December 2019: The Rossendale Local Plan was discussed at the Council meeting of Monday 23rd December, providing an update on the Examination and the requirement to allocate a Gypsy and Traveller Transit Site.

September - October 2019: As part of the Local Plan Examination process, a series of hearings were held in September and October 2019 for 3 weeks. Following the hearings and prior to making a decision on the emerging Local Plan, the Inspectors have requested further information. The Council is therefore undertaking further actions as set out in the Schedule of Actions to provide the required information. For more information, please visit the Examination Page.

March 2019: In accordance with the Local Planning Regulations, Rossendale Borough Council submitted the Rossendale Local Plan 2019-2034 to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for examination on 25 March 2019. To view the documents submitted to the Secretary of State, please visit the Local Plan Submission Documents page.


Previous stages

The Council undertook two rounds of consultations on the emerging Local Plan.

The first consultation was undertaken in summer 2017 on a draft Local Plan and more information is available to view on the Previous Consultation on the Draft Local Plan (Regulation 18) page.

The second consultation was undertaken in summer 2018 on the Publication version of the Local Plan. The documents and responses received during this public consultation are available to view on the Consultation on the Pre-Submission Publication version of the Local Plan (Regulation 19) page.


Local Plan Timetable

The Local Plan timetable is set out in the Local Development Scheme.


Staying informed about the Local Plan

If you, or anyone else you know, would like to be kept informed of the consultations please fill in the online form.

Keep me informed about the Local Plan


If you have any queries please email or phone 01706 217777.

Forward Planning