Rawtenstall Masterplan

Rawtenstall will be “A vibrant town where nature threads through its streets, creating lively brooks, colourful pocket parks and weaving its way into the surrounding hills. It is a welcoming place for people of all ages, where locals feel a sense of pride and visitors a sense of excitement and curiosity to explore. The cobbled streets set in the historic landscape are bustling with activity showcasing local businesses and artists giving the community space to come together and celebrate their share spirit.”

The Masterplan is underpinned by the following 5 objectives:

  • Bringing communities together
  • Re-connect the town with nature
  • Safe and vibrant streets and spaces
  • A welcoming town
  • Re-stitching the town

This vision and objectives have clear projects defined within them, some of them with funding now, others that are aspirational and will require applications for external funding.

Rawtenstall Masterplan

You can read the feedback from the consultation sessions we held in February 2024 at Rawtenstall Library and Market by using the link below


Rawtenstall Masterplan Consultation Report


Below you can see CGI images of potential changes for Rawtenstall. Any real changes will be subject to public consultation. 

town square before-min.jpg

Rawtenstall town centre view After

bank st before-min.jpg

Bank st after cgi-min.jpg

bacup road before-min.jpg

town square before-min.jpg